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:: Volume 1, Issue 1 (winter of 2020 2020) ::
2020, 1(1): 77-96 Back to browse issues page
Recreating the mental image of the city of Bojnourd during the Qajar period with a cultural approach
Abstract:   (2226 Views)
Paying attention to the history in different periods of time and how culture affects the development of cities requires gainig knowledge about each city and its cultural continuity. During the Qajar period, the city of Bojnourd based on its cultural backgrounds has experienced specific changes affecting the structure of the city over a period of three hundred years. The present research, by adopting the "Retroductive research" strategy, seeks to find a subjective picture of the structure of the Qajarid city of Bojnurd relying on a historical-cultural approach based on all levels of society. To achieve this goal, the mental image of the city of Bojnourd during the Qajar era is based on written and historical documents. The cultural approach to the history of the city is a historical innovation and its recognition can deepen our understanding of the historical and physical evolution of the city. The Retroductive method of studies acknowledges that all social rules lie in a wider context of social processes and layers of social reality. In order to find the hypothesized model scheme for these layers, "Appleyard's" mental structure methodology -specifically the cognitive mode- has been used. Based on this method, the main elements shaping the structure of the city of Bojnourd during the Qajar era have been recreated. The findings of the research show that in the cultural description of the important Qajar urban areas, the street, mansion and garden, have been the main factors shaping the urban actions and the constructive framework of the city. Also, the garden and mansion as the cultural foundation of the Shadlou family and the tribes living in the city of Bojnurd represent the cultural identity of the city. These three components have contributed to the formation of the physical form and culture of the city.
Keywords: Bojnord, city, structure, body, Appleyard, Qajar, recreation, cultura.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Architecture
Received: 2020/02/18 | Accepted: 2020/02/18 | Published: 2020/02/18
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Recreating the mental image of the city of Bojnourd during the Qajar period with a cultural approach. Journal title 2020; 1 (1) :77-96
URL: http://urbanhistory.khu.ac.ir/article-1-36-en.html

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Volume 1, Issue 1 (winter of 2020 2020) Back to browse issues page
تاریخ شهر و شهرنشینی در ایران و اسلام The history of city and urbanism in Iran and Islam
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